The Rider on
the White Horse
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse,
whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and
makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many
crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but himself.
He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood and his name is the Word of
God. Revelation 19:11-13
Our Horses
The McCurdy Plantation Horse
breed is a historical breed from Lowndes County in Central Alabama, a "Legacy of the Old South" with less
than 650 horses in the registry.
Our McCurdy Horses are
beautiful, calm, smooth to ride, and extremely versatile. The Cates
have bred and sold quality McCurdy Horses to the 4 corners of the
USA and one to Great Britain.
Aside from family pleasure and
trail riding, Colleen has promoted their McCurdy's in several
The Three Phase Event, KY
The Extreme Trail Horse
Challenge, Alabama
The American Competitive
Trail Horse Association
The National Walking Horse
The American Endurance Ride
The McCurdy Plantation Horse
Association bi-annual trail rides in Alabama.
Colleen is an avid competitor
and loves to ride with an objective. She also serves on the Board of
Directors for the McCurdy Plantation Horse Association and handles
their publicity.
Colleen has written numerous
articles and assisted other authors of equine books on the history
and use of the McCurdy Plantation Horse breed. These include: The
Gaited Horse Magazine; Trail Rider Magazine, Cowboys & Indians
Magazine, The Lone Star Horse Report, The Fabulous Floating
Horses, by Barbara Weatherwax, 96 Horse Breeds of North
America, by Judith Dutson, Gangpherde, Pherde Der Welt,
by Karin Tillish and Denise Schemel (Gaited Horse Breeds) published
in Germany.
Our McCurdy Horses are
encouraged and trained to use all of their mind, body, and gaits
under saddle, including the trot, to achieve balance and
athleticism. Showcased below are our fabulous floating horses,
neither which are for sale.
Ragin' Cajun - April 2001
Our breeding stallion from
2004-2007. An Ambassador for the McCurdy Plantation Horse
Blue ribbon winner in his
division at the gaited 2008 Three Phase Event in KY with highest
composite score in dressage, stadium obstacle, and cross-country
competition. Trained by Jason Crawhorn, J&T Stables, KY.
Performed free-style
McCurdy Plantation Horse breed demos at the 2007 Nation Walking
Horse Association National Show in TN.
Cajun is a majestic and noble
- a perfect gentleman in every way.
June 2020
at 19 years old
June 2020
at 19 years old
Cajun is retired from
breeding via AI as of 2022. He was gelded to continue his career as a
pleasure or competition mount.
genetic pattern for McCurdy's Ragin Cajun from Univ. of California
Both red & black factors detected. One copy of Agouti. One copy of
classic Roan gene, one copy of Gray gene.
Miss Sante
Fe McCurdy, a prime example of Cajun's offspring!
Lightning's McCurdy Lad
aka "88"
Direct son of McCurdy's Roan Ligtning
Registerd McCurdy and TWH
gelding DOB: January 2006
88 is a sport horse deluxe. In
the past he has performed extremely well in competitive trail
25 mile endurance race, and at show.
September 2009 88 won high
point gaited horse in the ACTHA Athens, TX
88 placed fifth in the open division of the ACTHA overall.
2010 Alabama Horse Fair
McCurdy Horse breed representative. Competed in the Extreme
Trail Horse Competition.
2010 AERC Post Oak
Challenge endurance ride 88
did his first 25 mile limited distance race. Tied for 10th
2010 NWHA Regional Gaited
Gala showed in versatility and rail classes. 88 placed in 9 out
of 11 classes. 8 English and 3 Western. Placing 4th in the 2
gait Country Pleasure Championship.
2014 July 12, McCurdy's 88
took 3rd place, Open Division, at The American Competitive Trail
Horse Association AOC at Henderson County Fair Park in Athens,
TX with a total of 45 entries.
88 has a ton of athletic
ability and "try." Give him any objective and he will achieve it.
2012: A great year for 88. He
advanced in pro western training with Josh Bardwell here in
Athens, Tx. Josh started him on working cattle, with cutting,
sorting and roping. 88 loved it, and really showed his
athleticism. That training also developed his strength, flexion,
and body mechanics to start on barrel racing. I took him to a few
local barrel races and we loved running in the practice
In Oct 2012 we went to a Charmayne James Clinic (11
times Women's Pro Rodeo Assoc. World Champion) in Branson, Miss.
to learn correct technique, skills and drills to be effective at
barrel racing.
My goal in doing this with
88 is to have fun, compete on a gaited horse in a Quarter Horse
dominated sport, and to promote the McCurdy Plantation Horse in
another venue for our Association.